giovedì 29 agosto 2013

Siracusa - Ortigia

Here you are beautiful Ortigia, the ancient part of Siacusa, that is an amazing and unique place to visit in Sicily. Thanks to the turquise sea around it, to the yummy food market, to the sun and thanks to its unique Duomo, built on and with the ancient greeck temple, you will never forget about this unbelivable place!

Market seen trough Apollo temple

Duomo di Ortigia: details and facade

Amazing sea

mercoledì 28 agosto 2013

Summer, I'll miss you!

2013 summer started in this way for me: a trip to Sicily in May, to enjoy first days of sun and heat in an amazing land on the mediterranean sea. 

lunedì 26 agosto 2013

Monday mood: black!

Rain, end of summer, back to work after a wonderful weekend.... I feel more than blue, I feel black!
Here's two pics from my last trip top Sicily, explaining exactly the kind of mood I woke up with this morning!

venerdì 23 agosto 2013

Handmade rings

I'd like to share some pics of my favourite rings. Thay have been made by my husband, Federico Alescio which is not only a great artist, but also a passionate artisan.
Purple ring is made of silver and Italian leather: I love it for the colour, that is one of my favourite, but above all I love the leather waves and the double silver ring, tick as the leather.
Second one is made of different colours amber beads linked by a thin wire of silver.
They are amazing, aren't they?

 Of course those two rings will never be available, as they are mine, but if you 'd like to find something made with the same taste and passion, you may visit our etsy shop.

You may also have a look to Federico's website, to see his beautiful paintings.

mercoledì 21 agosto 2013

Let me introduce you Taddeo, the sweetest furry friend

Her's Taddeo, a 16 year old sweet mutt. Despite his age, he's full of life and he's still able to show us all his love and kindness. this picture has been shot during a family weekend in Tuscany: we found an amazing b&b close to Siena, in Chianti area. Family and friends toghether for an amazingly relaxing weekend. I will add further pics and info, as it worth visiting that place!

lunedì 5 agosto 2013

Fiori di stagione

Seasonal flowers: i love my digital canon camera, everything looks great through its lenses!


Nulla sarebbe possibile senza l'amore dei miei splendidi uomini....eccoli di spalle che passeggiano al tramonto!

Nothing could be possible without the love of my gorgeous men. Here they are walking at sunset, on Tuscany seaside!

Piante grasse

Some of my favourite succulenta on the balcony: I love the light coming throught this wodden window curtain. 

Numero Uno!

Eccomi al mio primo post, ho mille cose da comunicare, mostrare e condividere, ma la pagina bianca disorienta sempre un po'. Per facilitarmi il compito, inserisco una foto ''dolcissima'' che ho fatto qualche tempo fa: cioccolatini golosi e particolarmente belli, per dare il benvenuto a chi vorrà dedicare qualche visita a queste mie pagine!

This is my first post on a blog ever! Despite I have thousand thoughts to write about, to show and share, this withe page in front of me puzzle me and I don't know how to start. maybe this sweet pic makes it easier, and could also be a good way to welcome you here in my kind of jouornal!